Monday, June 19, 2006
The Lack Thereof
posted by trancendyce at 6/19/2006
I am the other
no problem, no solution
just a neglected resolution
like the gardens you planted
and the seeds that never grew.
I am the other
no christ, no devil
just a nagging human reflection
of a futile antagonist
in stories by atheists.
I am the other
the glass when it shatters
the breaking not the breaker
the early winter sun
that finds you naked.
no problem, no solution
just a neglected resolution
like the gardens you planted
and the seeds that never grew.
I am the other
no christ, no devil
just a nagging human reflection
of a futile antagonist
in stories by atheists.
I am the other
the glass when it shatters
the breaking not the breaker
the early winter sun
that finds you naked.