Tuesday, August 29, 2006

demi-fey illustrate

posted by trancendyce at 8/29/2006

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


posted by trancendyce at 8/23/2006

Once she had awoken from her nightmare of being a human, she was aware instantly that she was actually a firefly. Her relief was almost as palatable as the heady fragrance of magnolia that surrounded her. The dream had been so real, so horrible. Hurray… she had her antenna, six legs and wings again. It had really sucked being human. No wings. Having to walk everywhere all the time on only two legs instead of flying was like torture. She had been an adolescent girl. She had felt so vulnerable, so exposed with no exoskeleton. She had realized that her skeleton was now on the inside, but it was so weird… like being naked… like walking around all fleshy and giving with what was suppose to be inside on the outside. That flesh had been so annoyingly inefficient… a handicap really… always bruising, getting scraped or cut up and then forever oozing, hurting and taking ages to heal or itching like the devil as it healed. There were other things that happened to it like insect bites, rashes, and psoriases and it was so easy to get sick. How they survived such constant bodily inflictions was beyond her.

In the dream some other humans (usually, but not exclusively adults) were always forcing her to do something she didn’t really want to do. Truly they were a relentless lot, like nothings she had ever thought of. There were all sorts of different ways they went about it ranging from extremely pleasant thru extremely horrific, but it always seem to boil down to the same thing. They were always trying to force their will upon her and get her to accept it as her own. This will generally required her to exert herself in someway toward tasks that were mostly unpleasant and even more often tedious exercises in pointless futility. When the methods were pleasant she tended to accept easily if not wholeheartedly, but it didn’t take long to figure out that pleasant or horrific there was no such thing as enough. The more she accepted the more that was expected until finally the part that hadn’t ever wanted to go along with it in the first place would explode just like a land mined that had been waiting for someone to step on just that right spot to set it off. The really frustrating part was that no matter what she did, said, etc… No matter what anyone did, said, etc… No matter how many ways she broke under the relentless demands… No difference ever occurred and no change ever took place. It seemed that all humans… good and bad… were out to force their wills upon each other. It didn’t take a genius to figure out this created a helluva a lot of unnecessary conflict and strife, but for the most part these humans seemed incapable of thinking in any other way.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

fur man choo

posted by AnGreeWoofDawg at 8/22/2006

snow blatt
rabbit-t-t run
chew the fur
off! i go
man, what