Saturday, December 09, 2006

Barely a Glance

posted by trancendyce at 12/09/2006

She might as well have been
A tiny bit of clear grit
Carried away by the wind
So when she disappeared
She was not missed
Not even a little bit
No one noticed
That she was gone
Why would they
How could they
Why should they

She always knew it would happen
Though never sure how or why she knew
Or what good it was suppose to do
But still she knew that when she vanished
It would be as though she had never been

She might as well have been
A tiny grain of sand
Carried away by the surge
Virtually transparent
Completely worn down
So easy to miss
Why should anyone realize
She was no longer among them
Why should anyone be aware
or even care
That she was gone for good


Anonymous Anonymous says...

Hang on a second...
got something in my eye..

fucking wind!

10:59 PM  
Blogger trancendyce says...

Awww... I didn't mean to make a grown man cry!

3:14 AM  

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